RFP 599 Engineering Services

Email Deanna.Rantz@oxnarduion.org for additional drawings (too large to post on website)

Are record drawings and other information available for the original construction of the water system, and subsequent modifications / improvements / maintenance? If so, can they be provided prior to the proposal due date?

We do have partial as-built drawings that have been scanned, available in PDF format that can be provided.

Does OUHSD have recent water quality test data available for both wells 1 & 2? If so, can they be provided prior to the proposal due date?

We do have routine water testing records for Well #2 which is or current water supply.

What is the expectation for Well 1? Is it to be destroyed, or possibly converted to irrigation-only service?

Assumption for Well #1, at this point, is that the water is for irrigation purposes only.

Are there existing emergency backup generator capabilities for the well pumps?

No, the emergency generate/pump only feeds the fire suppression system.

Is Rio Mesa High School served by sewer (or on-site septic)?

The site uses both septic tank/leech line and sewer line connections.

Has the water system been cited for any reason(s) by County or State?

No citations have been reported to our knowledge.

Please share current population data of school (students, staff, faculty).

RMHS Well #2 serves approximately 2,200 students and 300 employees. With current allowance of 53.529 AF/YR.

Does OUHSD anticipate any increase in population, expansion of facilities, or construction of new buildings on campus in the near future?

Student population is projected to increase over the next 5 years. Projected numbers are estimated at 300+ students.

Will OUHSD retain a third-party Construction Management firm during construction phase?

No, not planned at this point.

Will OUHSD handle permit coordination and processing through Ventura County and California State Region Water Control Board – Division of Drinking Water, or shall that be included in the Engineering Services Scope of Work for this project?

Please provide allowances for all permitting and document submissions required to successfully complete the project.